We help make dreams a reality with scholarships that kickstart success.


Providing a path to college is part of the equation, but granting scholarships to our scholars will make the university of their dreams a reality.

Our goal and dream for the future is to build a College Scholarship Fund and be able to provide scholarships with amounts up to and including full tuition, room/board and expenses.

Students with college aspirations should be able to realize their dreams - without fear of whether they can afford to pay college tuition or graduate with overwhelming student loans.

Aside from SAT prep and other college readiness, financial roadblocks are often make or break for many students seeking college admission.

At DRBF we believe that we must do our part so no scholar is deferred because of financial circumstances.

Wondering how to think about paying for college? Start here!

Interested in donating to our College Scholarship Fund and investing in our scholars dreams? Please contact us at Connect@DRBFNY.org!